
Showing posts from January, 2020

Why I behave in the ways I do.

I recently had a dream where a person I have never actually spoken to but ran into several times at a bar gave me a truth bomb about my personality flaws and sincerity and it was very odd, because in the dream I took to Facebook as if I needed to explain to him the reasons I can't be straight up honest at all times. There are several reasons why I have certain facades and it boils down to two things I will explain, one is the loss of privacy. I've had many instances where I don't feel like I have the privacy necessary to recuperate from being exposed and it creates a mania within my mind that I have to unpack a bit. The other reason is I've advanced quite a bit in intelligence to more of a priesthood level where I peruse other's intellectual opinions with objectivity and never tell them, because who wants me to jump in and show them the errors of their way unless they truly are asking of it from me. So to get to the first topic, issues of privacy have wreaked havo